19 students from University Putra Malaysia (UPM) visited Kyutech from November 29th to December 9th, 2016. This was the 3rd group visiting Kyutech as a part of the Mobility Program arranged between Kyutech and UPM.
The UPM students participated in variety of programs, both academic and extra curricular activities during their stay at Kyutech. Academic programs includes, among many others, Web Application Development Lecture by Assoc. Prof. Miura (Graduate School of Engineering) and Bioscience Laboratory Tour arranged by Prof. Sakamoto (School of Computer Science and Systems Engineering), and extra curricular activities includes, a gathering with Space Club students, (Advisor: Prof. Yonemoto), and a sporting event arranged by Kyutech buddies. They also visited TOYOTA Motor Kyushu, Kogasaki Incineration Facility, and Honjo Recycling Center for Waste Cans and Bottles to learn about Japanese latest technology as well as the Green Efforts, which the City of Kitakushu is well known worldwide. The participants fully enjoyed students' life at Kyutech and were very grateful for the Omotenashi they have received at Kyutech. They are now eager to share what they have learned through this program back at their home university (UPM) and to contribute to strengthen the relationship between Kyutech and UPM.

Tobata Campus Tour

Web App Development Lecture

Discussion with Space Club Students

Factory Visit Preparation Workshop

Toyota Motor Kyushu Factory Visit

Laboratory Tour

Iizuka Campus Visit