On March 26th and 27th, University of Lorraine (UL) and Kyutech held Joint Workshop on Robotics and 4 researchers from Kyutech and 8 researchers of UL and Loria (Lorraine Research Laboratory in Computer Science and its Applications)presented their research.
Day-1 was held at Mines Nancy and nearly 20 students of UL also participated as observers and asked questions. Day-2 was held at Loria and Kyutech researchers interacted with 12 researchers.
The Workshop includes topics related to : AI, Neural Networks, Brain-based Robotics, Intelligence Robot, Big Data, Machine Learning, Neuroscience, Autonomous Systems, Neurosys and Synchronization, Embedded Computing, Bioengineering, Drones, etc.
This Workshop has given a great opportunity to understand the research of both institutions and will enhance the international alliance between UL and Kyutech.
Kyutech would like to express deep appreciation to Prof. Dr. Patrick Henaff, University of Lorranine Mines Nancy and Loria for hosting this excellent Workshop and hope to see your delegations of UL and Loria for the 2nd Workshop in Japan.

Presentation by Prof. Sozo Inoue (Human Activity Recognition and Big Data Analysis in Medical and Caregiving Domains)